Subscriber Name 订户名称:
Subscriber Account Number 订户帐户号码:

This Market Data Subscription/Termination Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into the Effective Date (as indicated in Part 3 of this Agreement) by and between Goldhorse Securities Limited (“GHSL”) and the Subscriber (as indicated in Part 1 of this Agreement). This Agreement permits you to access, receive and use certain Market Data (defined below) in accordance with the following terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Agreement governs your access to receive and use the Market Data, and constitutes a binding legal agreement by and between GHSL and Subscriber (GHSL and the Subscriber are individually referred to as a “Party”, collectively referred to as “Parties”).



In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:


Automatic Termination Date 自动取消日

means the date in which the Subscriber terminates his access, receipt and usage of Market Data as contemplated by this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Automatic Termination Date is the last calendar day of the immediate following calendar month since the day where the Subscriber signed in on the Device for the last time.


Device 装置

means any type of device by means of which a Subscriber can access, receive and use the Market Data offered by GHSL under this Agreement. .


Distributor 发布人

means any distributor of the Relevant Exchange who is licensed by the Relevant Exchange to disseminate Market Data to third parties from whom GHSL or the Subscriber receives Market Data directly or indirectly.


Effective Date 生效日

means the date which the Subscriber as indicated in Part 3 of this Agreement has the ability to access, receive and use Market Data as contemplated by this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Effective Date is:


(i) the day where the Subscriber signs in on the Device for the first time; or


(ii) the first day where the Subscriber signs in on the Device since the Automatic Termination Date.


Force Majeure Event 不可抗力事件

means any flood, extraordinary weather conditions, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, terrorism, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, epidemic, public health emergency, action of government or regulatory authorities, sanctions, communications or power failures, equipment or software malfunctions, or hacking or similar attacks.


Laws 法例

means all laws, rules, regulations and regulatory requirements applying to GHSL, including, where applicable, the rules of the Relevant Exchange and its associated settlement system or clearing house.


Market Data 市场数据

means information and data pertaining to listed or exchange-traded securities, over-the-counter derivative products and other financial products, as well as index data and analytics data. Market Data may include, without limitation, opening and closing prices, previous close, day high-low prices, current bid and ask prices, open interest information, nominal prices, last traded prices, share traded and turnover, market depth, all trade tickers, order book, requests for quotations, data curves, actual volume data and fast or late messages, and such other market data or information as may be specified by the Relevant Exchange from time to time.


Non-Professional Subscriber 非专业订户

means any Subscriber who only accesses, receives and uses market data for personal and non-commercial purposes and who is not a securities professional. Any Subscriber who satisfies all the following conditions is regarded as a Non-Professional subscriber:


(a) not registered or qualified with any security agencies, including the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), any US state securities agency, and/or any securities exchange or association in Hong Kong or elsewhere;


(b) not engaged as an “investment advisor” as that term is defined in Section 202(a) (11) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (whether or not registered or qualified under that Act), and not licensed or registered with any financial regulatory bodies in Hong Kong or elsewhere; and

不属于从事根据 1940 年美国投资顾问法第 202(a) (11) 法案所定义(无论是否根据该法案注册或取得资格)的「投资顾问」一词的工作或于香港或其他地方的任何金融监管当局持牌或注册;及

(c) not employed by a bank or other organization exempt from registration under US Federal and/or state securities laws to perform functions that would require them to be so registered or qualified if they were to perform such functions for an organization not so exempt, and not engaged in securities, banking, investment, or financial activities on behalf of any regulated financial institution in Hong Kong or elsewhere.


In other words, the Non-Professional Subscriber’s Use of Market Data must:


(a) be solely for the Subscriber’s personal or private use; and


(b) be limited to managing the Subscriber’s own assets, and not be used in connection with the management of any assets of any third party(ies) in any capacity.


Any Subscriber who does not meet the qualifications of a Non-Professional Subscriber will be considered a Professional Subscriber.


Relevant Exchange 相关交易所

means Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and any other exchange that GHSL provided Market Data for Subscribers to access, receive and use.


OTC Market Data 场外市场数据

means Market Data relating to over-the-counter derivative products such as swap.


Person 人士

means any natural person, proprietorship, corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other organization.


Regulators 监管机构

means the SFC, the Relevant Exchange and its associated settlement system or clearing house, and any other regulator whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere.


Regulatory Rules 监管规则

means the rules of the Regulators or other rules, codes, guidelines, circulars and regulatory directions issued by the Regulators from time to time.


SFC 证监会

means the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.


Subscriber 订户

means the Person whose name and account number are listed in Part 1 of this Agreement.



2.1 The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that each of the Relevant Exchange(s) and its affiliates has exclusive and valuable property rights in and to the Market Data (or in the case of third party content providers who are licensing data through the Relevant Exchange, such third party content provider has exclusive and valuable property rights), that such Market Data constitute valuable confidential information, trade secrets, intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of the Relevant Exchange, not within the public domain, that such Market Data shall remain valuable confidential information, trade secrets, intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of the Relevant Exchange and that, but for the Agreement, the Subscriber would have no rights or access to such Market Data.


2.2 The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that disclosure of any Market Data, or any breach or threatened breach of any other warranty, representation, provision, undertaking, covenant or agreement contained herein, would cause irreparable injury to the Relevant Exchange and/or GHSL for which money damages would be an inadequate remedy. Accordingly, the Subscriber further acknowledges and agrees that the Relevant Exchange and/or GHSL shall be entitled to specific performance and injunctive and other equitable relief from the breach or threatened breach of any warranty, representation, provision, requirement, covenant or undertaking of the Agreement (including, without limitation, any disclosure or threatened disclosure of Market Data) in addition to and not in limitation of any other legal or equitable remedies which may be available.



3.1 The Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Subscriber may use the Market Data. The Subscriber acknowledges that, notwithstanding any agreement, the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or Distributor (where applicable) may, in its discretion, discontinue disseminating Market Data or change or eliminate its own transmission method, speed or signal characteristics. In addition, the Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or Distributor (where applicable) reserve the right to disapprove any Subscriber and to terminate any Subscriber’s receipt of Market Data for any reason or no reason.


3.2 (i) The Subscriber will use Market Data only for its own internal business activities (internal business activities shall exclude subsidiaries and affiliates) and only at the offices and locations and on the Devices as may be required by the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or Distributor (where applicable) to be designated by the Subscriber in writing to the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or Distributor (where applicable) from time-to-time. The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that each of the Relevant Exchanges may have different definitions of what constitutes internal business activities or internal use and agrees to abide by all of the restrictions and limitations on usage as may be stipulated by the Relevant Exchange from time to time.


(ii) The Subscriber agrees that it will not communicate or otherwise furnish, or permit to be communicated or otherwise furnished, the Market Data, in any format, to any other party or any office or location other than that designated above, nor allow any other party to take, directly or indirectly, any of the Market Data from such offices or locations, and will adopt and enforce any policy that is reasonable to prevent the Market Data from being taken therefrom. The Subscriber specifically agrees, without limiting or varying its obligations under Clause 6 herein or otherwise set forth in the Agreement, that the Subscriber shall not use or permit another person to use any Market Data for the purposes of (a) creating derived data products based upon or derived from the Market Data, (b) determining or arriving at any price (including any settlement prices) for derivatives contracts, options on derivatives contracts, or like derivatives instruments traded on any exchange other than the Relevant Exchange and (c) for any other derived works that will be disseminated, published or otherwise used externally. The Subscriber shall abide by any other restrictions or limitations on usage that any of the Relevant Exchange(s) may specify from time to time. The Subscriber will use its best efforts to ensure that its partners, officers, directors, employees and agents maintain sole control and physical possession of, and sole access to, Market Data received through Devices in the Subscriber’s possession.

订户同意,其不会且不允许他人以任何格式向任何其他方或上述所指定以外的任何办公场所或地点传递或以其他方式提供市场数据,亦不会允许任何其他方直接或间接从该等办公场所或地点拿走任何市场数据,并将采用并执行防止市场数据被从中拿走的任何合理政策。订户特别同意,在不限制或变更其在协议第 6 条款或其他条款项下的义务的同时,订户自己不得亦不得允许他人将任何市场数据用于下列任何目的:(a) 创制基于或源于市场数据的衍生数据产品,(b) 确定或得出于相关交 易所以外的任何其他交易所交易的衍生工具合约、衍生工具合约期权或类似衍生工具的任何价格(包括任何结算价),及 (c) 用于将在外部传播、公布或以其他方式使用的任何其他衍生产品。订户将遵守任何相关交易所可能不时指定的任何其他 使用限制及局限。订户将尽其最大努力确保其合伙人、高级职员、董事、员工及代理人保持对通过订户所持有的装置而收到的市场数据的独自控制、独自实际管有及独自存取。

(iii) The Subscriber will use its best efforts to ensure that no unauthorized dissemination of the Market Data is permitted.



4.1 The Subscriber agrees to furnish promptly to the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) and their respective affiliates or agents, any information or reports that may be requested or required by Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) from time to time, which are reasonably related to the Subscriber’s receipt or use of Market Data.



5.1 During regular business hours, any Persons authorized by the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) may have access to the Subscriber’s offices or locations in order to observe, inspect and/or audit the use made of the Market Data and to examine and inspect any Devices, attachments or apparatuses, as well as any books and records required to be maintained by the Subscriber under the Agreement in connection with its receipt and use of Market Data.


5.2 The Subscriber shall maintain the records and books upon which it bases its reporting for three (3) years (or such other period as may be prescribed by the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) from time to time) following the period to which the records relate. In the event that the Subscriber fails to retain such records and books as required above, the Subscriber agrees to pay the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable), as the case may be, the reasonable estimate of any discrepancy discovered pursuant to any such audit.



6.1 The Subscriber has (a) taken all actions which are necessary to authorize the entry into and performance of its obligations under the Agreement; and (b) the power, without any further consent or approval of any other person, to enter into and perform its respective obligations under the Agreement.

订户已(a) 采取一切必要行动以授权订立及履行协议下的义务;及(b) 有权在无须任何其他人士进一步同意或批准的情况下订立并履行其在协议下的各项义务。

6.2 The Subscriber further represents and warrants that (i) the Subscriber has all necessary power and authority to execute and perform the Agreement; (ii) the Agreement is legal, valid, binding and enforceable against the Subscriber; (iii) neither the execution of, nor performance under, the Agreement by the Subscriber violates or will violate any law, rule, regulation or order, or any agreement, document or instrument, binding on or applicable to the Subscriber, GHSL or the Relevant Exchange; and (iv) the Subscriber’s access to and use of the Market Data will be in accordance with all applicable Laws and Regulatory Rules.

订户进一步声明及保证,(i) 订户拥有订立及履行协议的一切必要权力及授权;(ii) 本协议对订户而言属合法、有效、具有约束力及可强制执行的;(iii) 订户订立或履行协议,并不违反亦将不会违反对订户、金马证券或相关交易所具有约束力或对其适用的任何法例、规则、法规或命令或任何协议、文件或文书;及 (iv) 订户存取及使用市场数据将符合所有适用的法例及监管规则。

6.3 The Subscriber represents and warrants that the Subscriber is not engaged in, and will not during the continuance of the Agreement, engage in the business of distributing Market Data.


6.4 The Subscriber agrees that the Subscriber will not use or permit any other Person to use Market Data for any illegal or immoral purpose.


6.5 The Subscriber agrees that the Subscriber will not use Market Data in any way to compete with the Relevant Exchange, nor use the Market Data in any way so as to assist or allow a third party to compete with the Relevant Exchange.


6.6 The Subscriber agrees that the provision of Market Data hereunder is conditioned upon the Subscriber’s strict compliance with the terms of the Agreement and that the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) may, with or without notice and with or without cause, forthwith discontinue said service whenever in its judgment there has been any default or breach by the Subscriber of the provisions hereof, or the Relevant Exchange’s or Distributor’s terms and conditions applicable to the access, receipt or use of Market Data.



7.1 Market data is provided, and the Subscriber agrees that the market data is provided, on an “as is”, “as available” basis without warranties of any kind. The Subscriber agrees that: GHSL and its affiliates, distributor and its affiliates (where applicable), relevant exchange and its affiliates, and any of their respective members, directors, officers, employees or agents, and any licensor to the relevant exchange, do not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the market data or the transmission, timeliness, accuracy or completeness thereof, including, without limitation. Any implied warranties or any warranties of merchantability, quality or fitness for a particular purpose or use of non-infringement, and, to the extent permitted by laws, those arising by statute or otherwise in law or from any course of dealing or usage of the trade.

市场数据的提供,及订户亦同意市场数据的提供,乃在不带有任何种类的保证的情况下在「现有」的基础上按「现状」为基准。订户同意:金马证券及其联属公司、发布人及其联属公司(如适用)、相关交易所及其联属公司、及彼等各自的任何成员、董事、高级职员、雇员或代理以及相关交易所的任何许可人士对市场数据或其传输、及时性、准确性或完整性不作任何明示或默示的声明或保证,包括但不限于任何默示保证或对适销性、质量或适用于特定目的或用途或不侵权的任何保证,以及(在法律容许的范围内) 由法规或其他法律或因任何交易过程或行业惯例而产生的保证。


8.1 Subscriber agrees that GHSL and its affiliates, distributor and its affiliates (where applicable), the relevant exchange and its affiliates, and their respective members, directors, officers, employees or agents and any licensor to exchange:


(i) Do not guarantee the sequence, accuracy or completeness of the market data, nor shall any of them be liable to the Subscriber or any other person for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in market data, or in the transmission thereof, or for any other damages arising in connection with the Subscriber’s receipt or use of market data, whether or not resulting from negligence on their part, a force majeure event or any other cause; and


(ii) Shall not be liable to the Subscriber or any other person or entity for any loss, liability or other damage, direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or relating to the agreement and the market data thereunder, including but not limited to:


(a) Any inaccuracy or incompleteness in, or delays, interruptions, errors or omissions in the delivery of, the site or the market data;


(b) Any decision made or action taken or not taken by the Subscriber, its customers or any other entities or any of their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees or agents; and


(c) Loss of business revenues, lost profits or any punitive, indirect, consequential, special or similar damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.


8.2 The Subscriber expressly acknowledges that the relevant exchange and its affiliates, GHSL and its affiliates, and distributor and its affiliates (where applicable), do not make any warranties, express or implied, to the Subscriber or any third party with respect to the agreement and the market data, including, without limitation: (i) any warranties with respect to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness, currentness, merchantability, quality or fitness for a particular purpose of the market data or (ii) any warranties as to the results to be obtained by the Subscriber or any third party in connection with the use of the market data.

订户明确承认相关交易所及其联属公司、金马证券及其联属公司、以及发布人及其联属公司(如适用)并无就协议及市场数据对订户或任何第三方作出任何明示或默示的保证,包括但不限于:(i) 关于市场数据的及时性、顺序、准确性、完整性、实时性、适销性、质量或适用于特定用途的任何保证,或 (ii) 对于订户或任何第三方使用市场数据所能获得的结果的任何保证。


9.1 Subject to the Subscriber’s strict compliance with the provisions of the Agreement and all applicable Laws and Regulatory Rules, the provision of Market Data by GHSL hereunder will continue in full force from the Effective Date and until (a) the Automatic Termination Day or (b) terminated by either Party by providing at least fourteen (14) days’ prior written notice (including electronic notice) of its intention to terminate the Agreement (whichever is earlier). Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, GHSL shall have the right to require the service of provision of Market Data to end on the last date of the relevant subscription period stipulated by the Relevant Exchange and/or Distributor.

倘订户严格遵守协议的条文及所有适用的法例及监管规则,金马证券根据本协议由生效日起提供的市场数据将持续生效,直至 (a) 自动取消日或 (b) 任何一方透过发出至少十四(14)天表明其拟终止协议的事先书面通知(包括电子通知)终止为止(以较早者为准)。不管上述的条文,金马证券有权要求提供市场数据的服务在相关交易所及/或发布人订明的相关服务期的最后一天终止。

9.2 Upon any termination of the Agreement, the Subscriber shall immediately discontinue any use of the Market Data, and delete any and all Market Data received under the Agreement, including without limitation any stored historical Market Data.

协议终止后,订户应立即停止使用市场数据,并删除根据协议收到的任何及所有市场数据,包括但不限于任何已储存的历史市场数 据。


10.1 The Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable) may from time to time modify and amend the Agreement and/or other terms and conditions applicable to the access, receipt or use of Market Data, and Subscriber agrees to be bound by such terms. By continuing to access or use the Market Data after the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable), as the case may be, has provided the Subscriber with notice of a modification or amendment, the Subscriber agrees to be bound by the Agreement or such other terms and conditions applicable to the access, receipt or use of Market Data, as so modified or amended.

相关交易所、金马证券及/或发布人(如适用)可不时修改及修订适用于存取、接收或使用市场数据的协议及/或其他条款及细则, 且订户同意受该等条款约束。于相关交易所、金马证券及/或发布人(如适用)(视情况而定)向订户发出修改或修订的通知之后继续存取或使用市场数据,即表示订户同意受经修改或修订的协议或适用于存取、接收或使用市场数据的其他条款及细则约束。

11 SURVIVAL 继续有效

11.1 The provisions of Clause 1 (the Definitions), Clause 2 (Proprietary Rights in The Market Data), Clause 7 (Disclaimer of Warranties), Clause 8 (Limitations of Liability and Damages), Clause 12 (Indemnification), Clause 13 (Undertaking to Execute Further Document, etc.) and Clauses that by their nature should survive, and any amendments to the provisions of the aforementioned in Part 2 of this Agreement, will survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement.



12.1 The Subscriber will indemnify, defend and hold the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable), and their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the Agreement, including, without limitation, any liability, loss or damages (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and other expenses on a full indemnity basis) caused by or arising out of (i) the Subscriber’s failure to furnish or to keep, or the Subscriber’s delay in furnishing or keeping, any report or record required to be kept by Subscriber hereunder; (ii) failure by the Subscriber to comply with any provisions of the Agreement and/or other terms and conditions applicable to the access, receipt or use of Market Data stipulated by the Relevant Exchange, GHSL and/or Distributor (where applicable); or (iii) any violation by the Subscriber of the Relevant Exchange’s intellectual property or proprietary rights in the Market Data.

订户将弥偿相关交易所、金马证券及/或发布人(如适用)及彼等各自的联属公司、董事、高级职员、雇员及代理人、为其辩护, 并保障其免受因协议引致或与此相关的任何及全部申索,包括但不限于因 (i) 订户未能提供或存置,或订户延迟提供或存置本协议要求订户存置的任何报告或记录;(ii) 订户未能遵守协议的任何条文及/或相关交易所、金马证券及/或发布人(如适用)规定而适用于存取、接收或使用市场数据的其他条款及细则;或 (iii) 订户侵犯了相关交易所在市场数据中的知识产权或专有权而引致或产生的任何责任、损失或损害(包括但不限于全额弥偿律师费及其他费用)。


13.1 The Subscriber agrees to observe and to be bound by the Relevant Exchange’ terms and conditions applicable to the access, receipt and use of Market Data, as in force and as amended by the Relevant Exchange from time to time. The Subscriber undertakes to, immediately upon demand by GHSL, and entirely at its own costs and expenses, make, execute, do, perform and provide or cause or procure to be made, executed, done, performed and provided, all such further acts, agreements, deeds, documents, matters and things as GHSL shall reasonably require to fulfill any legal or regulatory obligations applicable to the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or the Distributor (where applicable). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Subscriber undertakes, upon demand by the Relevant Exchange, GHSL or Distributor (where applicable), to immediately execute this Agreement in such form (as the case may be) as may be stipulated by the Relevant Exchange from time to time.



14.1 The Subscriber hereby irrevocably appoints the GHSL as its lawful attorney to execute and do all things which the GHSL in good faith considers necessary and which the Subscriber ought reasonably to do in furtherance or as a consequence of the terms of the Agreement or to comply with any legal or regulatory obligations applicable to a Subscriber.



15.1 Any action arising out of the Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The Parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.


15.2 The Subscriber may not assign all or any part of the Agreement.


15.3 The Subscriber may not modify or amend the terms of the Agreement without the prior written consent of the GHSL.


15.4 In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the Relevant Exchange’s standard Subscriber Agreement, where applicable, the terms and conditions of the Relevant Exchange’s standard Subscriber Agreement shall prevail, but only to the extent of any inconsistency.

倘协议的条款及细则与相关交易所的标准订户协议(如适用)之间有任何冲突,概以相关交易所标准订户协议的条款及细则为准 (惟仅限于不一致之处)。

15.5 If, for any reason, one or more provisions of the Agreement or part thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions of the Agreement, or parts thereof, shall remain in full force and effect.


15.6 The Subscriber hereby consents to use by the Relevant Exchange and its affiliates of proprietary data or other personal information regarding the Subscriber received by the Relevant Exchange and its affiliates from time to time through the conduct of their businesses, including any data submitted to them to fulfill regulatory obligations, for commercial, business and marketing purposes.


15.7 The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the Relevant Exchange is an intended third party beneficiary to the Agreement, and that the Relevant Exchange may enforce the terms hereunder that are expressed to confer protection from liability on the Relevant Exchange. Save for the Relevant Exchange and any of the respective officers, employees or agents of GHSL, a person who is not a party to this Agreement shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any term of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or in the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, GHSL may terminate, amend, replace, rescind or agree any variation, waiver or settlement under this Agreement without the consent or knowledge of any Qualified Third Parties.

订户承认及同意,相关交易所为协议的预定第三方受益人,且相关交易所可强制执行本协议项下的明文保障相关交易所免受法律责任的条款。除相关交易所以及金马证券的任何高级职员、雇员或代理外,非本协议订约方的人士不享有《合约(第三者权利)条例》(香港法例第 623 章)项下的任何权利以执行本协议的任何条款。尽管本协议或《合约(第三者权利)条例》有任何相反的规定,金马证券可在未取得任何合资格第三方同意或于彼等不知情的情况下终止、修订、替换、撤销或同意本协议项下的任何变更、豁免或和解。

15.8 In case of inconsistencies between the English version and the Chinese version of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.


Exchange 交易所 Subscription 订阅 Termination 取消

The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited


New York Stock Exchange




The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited


Shanghai Stock Exchange (will be provided later)


Shenzhen Stock Exchange (will be provided later)



Is the Subscriber a “Non-Professional subscriber” as defined in Clause 1 (the Definitions) of Part 2 of this Agreement?

订户是否一名于本协议内第二部分的第 1 条款(释义)所界定的「非专业订户」?


The Subscriber hereby declares that after signing in the signature column herein below by the Subscriber, indicated that the Subscriber:


(a) has been invited to read the GHSL’s “General Terms and Conditions for Market Data Subscription/Termination Agreement” as listed in Part 2 of this Agreement;


(b) has read and fully understood the contents of GHSL’s “General Terms and Conditions for Market Data Subscription/Termination Agreement” and agrees to be bound by them;


(c) confirms the subscription or termination of Market Data as indicated in Part 3 of this Agreement; and


(d) confirms that the Subscriber is a “Non-Professional Subscriber” as defined in Clause 1 (the Definitions) of Part 2 of this Agreement.
